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Our Three-K Program

In our Pre-school room, also known as our Three-K, (3-4 yrs.), the program is designed to be a precursor to our Pre-Kindergarten program which fully prepares your child for Kindergarten. Upon completion of this class, your child will have the skills needed to reap all the benefits of and prosper in our Pre-K program. The goal is to facilitate children’s exploration of letter and number recognition processes through a variety of art, science, story time, music, large muscle/movement, and language activities. At this stage in the program, activities continue to be hands on-, as it is through these hands-on activities that our Pandas develop their language skills. It is also at this age that large group, small group, and individual activities provide children with opportunities for more varied social learning experiences. We have plenty of space for our three-year-old's to explore. 

In this program you will see your child...
Expanding their cognitive, affective, and physical growth. Three-year old's like to create a life of fantasy and make believe. Classroom space and materials are organized in distinct interest areas. These areas are set up to encourage the children to select activities, engage in hands-on exploration and pretend play, and develop the ability to play cooperatively. Small muscle movement and hand eye coordination continue to be strengthened through art activities, use of scissors, water play, work with manipulative toys, and blocks. The daily schedule includes many activities for large muscle development. Children will listen to short stories, learn to count to ten and higher, be able to identify as many as seven colors, tell their own full name, sex and age and begin to feel good about themselves and their abilities. .

In this program you will see teachers...
Interacting with children, encouraging independence, teaching self-discipline and problem-solving strategies, fostering independence and autonomy, developing self-esteem, delegating simple responsibilities, structuring the learning environment so that children make choices, introducing educational equality for all children, planning for daily learning, smiling and hugging children, helping children find answers, praising, accepting, reassuring and nurturing.

Munchkinland Child Care's Pre-School program offers children the opportunity to learn and develop in a secure, creative and stimulating environment. Our focus is on activity based learning planned around the growing child’s need for learning while doing. It is important to us that your child receives the very best education, care and attention possible. Our philosophy is based on personalized instruction that offers your child developmentally - appropriate challenges. .

Social and Emotional Development(developing social-awareness and positive self-concept)
Understanding feelings through role-playing, introducing social concepts of community living and working, play and make friends. Children need to know that the teacher is dependable and available, particularly during times of stress or when negative emotions are present. Become aware of the children’s emotional needs by listening carefully to them and by being sensitive to the non-verbal cues they offer. Establish clear rules of behavior and explain the reasons for having them.

Language Development (increased vocabulary and expression):
Teachers encourage your child to use language in describing simple experiences and feelings. He/she is encouraged to speak in full sentences, to ask questions, and to develop listening skills. Your child will have many opportunities to use books, stories and other media to stimulate imagination and language.

Cognitive Development (acquiring and using info):
Your child’s frame of reference will be expanded through meaningful educational experiences that are necessary for future school success. Your child will begin to develop sound-symbol association skills through pre-reading and reading readiness programs. He/she will work with manipulatives to learn the foundations of mathematical concepts. Computers are utilized to reinforce learning for your child. He/she will explore the areas of science, health, cooking, and visual and performing arts.

Gross Motor Development ( use of large muscles):
Munchkinland's motor movement curriculum will provide opportunities for your child to increase coordination by participating in activities requiring the skills of running, hopping, jumping, climbing, swinging, throwing and catching. He/she will learn directional skills such as up/down, in/out, and over/under.

Fine Motor Development ( use of small muscles and eye- hand coordination):
To further develop fine motor skills, your child will have opportunities to work with scissors, pencils, crayons, small pegs and beads for stringing. He/she will also explore building and constructing with varied manipulatives and art materials. Pre-writing experiences will prepare your child for later academic success.

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