The Teddy Bear Room

Welcome Parents....
Our Teddy Bears (6 weeks to 18 months) classroom is where the youngest begin to explore new surroundings. The program of activities focuses on the infant's physical development. The prime activities of the day are considered to be the feeding and diapering times. It is during these times that the infants receive the most one on one interaction and are exposed to a variety of learning experiences.
In this program you will see your child...
Smiling, crawling, rolling, sitting, touching, feeling, holding, watching, looking, listening, clapping, playing with toys, tasting, beginning to pull themselves up, beginning to climb, vocalizing, responding, and endlessly exploring.
In this program you will see our caregivers...
Smiling, hugging, holding, feeding, diapering, using daily information charts, rocking, singing, reading, talking, snuggling, soothing, playing music, using simple instruments, introducing tactile materials, getting babies ready for naps, teaching simple skills and encouraging exploration.
Our primary goal is to provide a loving, caring atmosphere that will foster a positive self-image and emotional security in each child, as a foundation for future growth and development.
Other goals of the Munchkinland Child Care infant program are:
• To provide for the physical, mental and social development of each child.
• To provide a healthy, safe and sanitary environment for each child.
• To provide opportunities for exploration.
• To provide activities that will stimulate the senses and encourage learning.
• To be supportive of families and serve as a resource of relative information.
Social and Emotional Development(Developing Self- Awareness and Communication)
We will hold and talk to your baby. Your child will learn to focus on a face, to respond to voices and to smile when someone else smiles. Your baby learns to hand an object to another person and to point or call to get a desired object.
Language Development (Making Speech Sounds and Developing Communication Skills)
We will talk to your baby throughout the day, encouraging him/her to respond. Your baby starts making different sounds, repeating the same sounds and laughing out loud. Your baby will be read and sung to, and age-appropriate books will be available for touching and for looking.
Cognitive Development (Acquiring and Using Information)
Your baby learns to carry objects, move them from hand to hand. He/she learns to look in the direction of sound, and to look for an object after it has fallen. Your baby starts sorting and matching objects.
Gross Motor Development(Using Arms, Legs, and Torso Control--- Large Muscles)
Your baby learns to hold both head and chest up while laying on his/her stomach, to roll from back to side and to start crawling on his/her stomach. Your baby starts pulling up and begins sitting on his/her own. Your baby also starts walking.
Fine Motor Development (Hands, Fingers and Eye Control--- Small Muscles)
Your baby learns to hold a rattle when placed in his/her hand, to follow a moving object from side to side, and to pass an object from one hand to the other. Your baby learns to use his/her index finger and thumb to pick up small items. |